SANPAD: quality of care of home-based care in South Africa

This project investigates the quality of care provided in the field of home-based care, with particular reference to rural South Africa. The impact made by the previous and current home-based care policy implementation and organizational challenges related to funding, management, monitoring and evaluation, training and staff support will be investigated to identify barriers and facilitators to efficient and high quality service delivery. The standards of care inherent within the hierarchical system of service provision in home-based care will be examined and measured in detail, trickling down from the community-based organizations and community health workers through to the primary caregiver and the recipient of care in the home. In the process, opportunities for capacity building and health system strengthening will be identified, so as to better position home-based care for the anticipated role in relieving the formal health system. SANPAD: The South Africa Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development, has since 1997 been financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. SANPAD has facilitated and financed research projects, search capacity building and research support activities over the past ten years. Click here for more information about SANPAD and here to find pictures of a case study on 'quality of care and life of people living with HIV/AIDS in townships in South Africa', carried out by Ilona Sips, master student International Public Health.

Aim: Understanding role of community care workers in home-based care,
Linkage: Health Systems Research, Role of Community Care Workers, Interface between Communities and Health Systems,
Collaboration: WITS Mosa Mothabela, Helen Schneider

Staff Members involved: