
Noor Tromp successfully defended her PhD

17 NOVEMBER 2015 | Tuesday the 3rd of November Dr. Noor Tromp successfully defended her PhD on "Priority setting in HIV/AIDS control: the use of multi criteria decision analysis in Indonesia and South Africa".... Read More »

The thesis of Sten Zelle recently featured in the One World magazine

12 OCTOBER 2015 | The One World magaize recently featured the results of Sten Zelle's thesis in an article. Read more about that here ... Read More »

Sten Zelle successfully defended his PhD

22 SEPTEMBER 2015 | Friday the 18th of September Dr. Sten Zelle successfully defended his PhD on "Breast cancer control in low and middle income countries. Cost-effectiveness and other considerations." See pictures here... Read More »

Jari Kempers successfully defended his PhD

16 SEPTEMBER 2015 | On the 14th of September dr. Jari Kempers successfully defended his PhD titled: "Economic analysis of youth sexual and reproductive health programmes- a Multi-Country Study". See pictures here... Read More »

New department

15 NOVEMBER 2014 | NICHE has moved department within Radboud University Medical Centre from Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde (ELG) the department for Health Evidence (HEV). NICHE looks forward to the new collabration. ... Read More »

Adiatma Siregar successfully defends PhD

01 SEPTEMBER 2014 | Adiatma Siregar has sucessfully defended his PhD ''Economic Analysis of HIV and AIDS Control in Indonesia' on August 25, 2014. See Gallery for pictures.... Read More »

PhD defense Adiatma Siregar on 25 August 2014

22 JULY 2014 | On Monday 25 August Adiatma Siregar (Indonesia) will defend his PhD thesis on 'Economic Analysis of HIV and AIDS Control in Indonesia. Adi has conducted various costing and efficiency studies of various HIV interventions (VCT, MMT and ART) and gives recommendations for the furthe... Read More »

Rob Baltussen received the 'Biomedical Sciences Teacher of the year award� for the 3rd year biomedical students

30 JUNE 2014 | Recent is Rob Baltussen door studenten gekozen tot docent van het jaar bij BMW (Biomedische wetenschappen). Geroemd werden zijn bereikbaarheid voor studenten, zijn vermogen tot luisteren en goed reageren op feedback. Maar Rob deed het niet allemaal alleen: gedurende het blok werd hij bijgestaan door... Read More »

Interview with Rob Baltussen about the Vici grant on Vice Versa online

07 APRIL 2014 | See full interview here; Rob Baltussen onderzoekt prioriteiten in de gezondheidszorg: ‘Zonder prioriteiten ontstaat er bushmedicine’ Door: E... Read More »

Rik Viergever succesfully defends PhD with Cum Laude

20 FEBRUARY 2014 | On the 10th of Februaary 2014 Rik Viergever succesfully defended his PhD 'Evidence-based priority setting for health research', with Cum Laude. See Gallery for pictures.  ... Read More »

Rob Baltussen receives personal Vici grant from NWO

04 FEBRUARY 2014 | Thursday the 23rd of January it was announced that Rob Baltussen recieved a Vici grant from NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research for his proposal titled "Balancing efficiency, equity and feasibility in HIV treatment in South Africa – a revision of theory and tools for... Read More »

Rob Baltussen speaks at plenary session ISPOR

05 NOVEMBER 2013 | Rob Baltussen speaks on November 6 at the plenary session of the ISPOR conference in Dublin. Although economic evaluation is now well-established as part of the reimbursement process for new technologies in many European countries, concerns are sometimes raised that the measures of economic ... Read More »

Rik Viergever in Nature

01 NOVEMBER 2013 | Medical research: Analyse impact of health priorities Roderik F. Viergever Nature.  Volume: 502, Page: 171 (10 October 2013) There is a dearth of evidence for the assumed beneficial effects of involving patients and the public in health-research decisions (S. Petit-Zeman and L. Locock Na... Read More »

Mariana Posse succesfully defends PhD

30 OCTOBER 2013 | Mariana Posse has sucessfully defended her PhD 'The optimal use of antiretroviral treatment in HIV/AIDS control in Mozambiaque', on October 29, 2014. See Gallery for pictures.... Read More »

Filip Meheus succesfully defends PhD

17 SEPTEMBER 2013 | Filip Meheus has sucessfully defended his PhD 'Economic analysis of Visceral Leishmaniasis'  on September 16, 2013. See Gallery for pictures. ... Read More »

Verena Mauch succesfully defends PhD

27 AUGUST 2013 | Verena Mauch has sucessfully defended her PhD 'Achieving accesible and sustainable tuberculosis control in high TB burden countreis', on August 26, 2013. See Gallery for pictures. ... Read More »


18 APRIL 2013 | This documentary reports on the innovative use of problem-solving groups to improve enrollment in health insurance in Ghana. The Ghana-Dutch research project SHINE-Ghana implemented and evaluated the strategy in a randomized controlled trial, and found it to increase enrolment by 26%. http://www.... Read More »

Jan Hontelez successfully defends PhD

11 MARCH 2013 | On the 12th of February 2013, Jan Hontelez successfully defended his PhD entitled "The impact of antiretroviral therapy on the HIV epidemic in South Africa". During the last three years dr. Hontelez was a PhD student of both NICHE and the department of public health at the Erasmus MC ... Read More »

Genevieve Aryeetey and Caroline Jehu-Appiah receive their PhD degree in August 2012

11 SEPTEMBER 2012 | In August, researchers Genevieve Cecilia Aryeetey (Ghana) and Caroline Jehu Appiah (Ghana) received their PhD degree for their work within the WOTRO Integrated "Programme Reaching the poor in Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme". Jehu-Appiah investigated equity aspects and strategies ... Read More »

Research funding from Bill and Melina Gates Foundation for NICHE

20 JUNE 2012 | The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently awarded € 150,000 for research into the costs and effects of antiretroviral drugs in Ghana and South Africa. NICHE will carry out the research in Ghana and works together with local partners in Ghana and the Erasmus MC. Erasmus MC an... Read More »

Sitaporn Youngkong succesfully defends PhD

14 JUNE 2012 | Sitaporn Youngkong has succesfully defended her PhD entitled 'Multi criteria decision analysis for priority setting of health interventions in Thailand' on June 14 2012. ... Read More »

WOTRO funding for health system research on maternal health

13 JUNE 2012 | NICHE collaborates with AIGHD and institutes in South Africa and Rwanda on the WOTRO funded project 'Mainstreaming a health systems’ approach to maternal health programming: transdisciplinary research in Rwanda and South Africa'. The project runs from 2012-2016. Too many women in low- ... Read More »

Three BMJ publications on cost-effectiveness of non-communicable disease control

10 APRIL 2012 | Rob Baltussen and Sten Zelle have published a series of papers on the cost-effectiveness of interventions  to control breast cancer and sensory disorders, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation. The analysis show the value for money of investments in c... Read More »

Francoise Barten president-elect of ISUH

10 NOVEMBER 2011 | Francoise Barten is president-elect on the Executive Board of the International Society of Urban Health (ISUH). She was elected at the 10th international conference on Urban Health in Brasil 1-5 November 2011. The goals of the ISUH is to encourage research, inte... Read More »

NICHE contributes to high-level Copenhagen Consensus meeting on HIV/AIDS in Africa

28 SEPTEMBER 2011 | The Copenhagen Consensus Centre, in conjuction with the RUSH Foundation, has launched the RethinkHIV initiative to examine new priorities for HIV/AIDS in Africa. The initiative has commissioned research papers from teams of top health economists, epidemiologists, and demographers, ranking ... Read More »

Three important NICHE publications on HIV/AIDS in AIDS, PlosOne and Vaccine

20 JUNE 2011 | NICHE is publishing a series of papers on HIV/AIDS in South-Africa, all in top-journals. The papers document the impact of different ART regimens on HIV/AIDS dynamics; the impact of aging on HIV/AIDS, and the potential impact and cost-effectiveness of an HIV/AIDS vaccine.  ... Read More »

NICHE publishes in Lancet

23 MAY 2011 | Professor Koos van der Velden (NICHE) co-authors the Lancet article: Public health: profession, health system, govermental control.  Van Weel C, Roberts R, De Maeseneer J, van der Velden K. Public health: profession, health system, govermental control. Lancet. 2011 Feb 25. Public heal... Read More »

Two new NICHE publications: one on primary health care in Turkey

01 MAY 2011 | This month two more NICHE articles were accepted for publication. The first describes the primary care health system in Turkey. The second is a commentary on the EVIDEM framework and its usefulness for priority setting across a wide range of interventions.  Dion... Read More »

Paper on breast cancer control strategies in low- and middle income countries in Breast

24 MARCH 2011 | At the Breast Health Global Initiatieve Summit 2010, The Problem Solving Working Group met to develop a consensus statement on problem-solving strategies addressing breast cancer in low and middle income countries. Findings of this meeting will soon be published in Breast. One of NICHE's PhD student... Read More »

NICHE presents sexuality education study at UN-meetings in Paris and New York

24 MARCH 2011 | NICHE is completing its cost and cost-effectiveness analysis on school-based sexuality education in six countries. In April, its results will be presented in meetings at UNESCO (Paris) and UNAIDS (New York). The final report will become available soon afterwards.... Read More »

Paper on equity in Ghana's National Health Insurance to appear in Social Science and Medicine

01 JANUARY 2011 | NICHE staff members Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Genevieve Aryeetey, Ernst Spaan and Rob Baltussen published an article in Social Science and Medicine on the who is enroling, who is not and why, in Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme. This research is part of NICHE project 'Reaching the poor in G... Read More »

Research with impact! Media coverage for NICHE's study on breast cancer programs in Ghana

16 DECEMBER 2010 | Mr. Sten Zelle (PhD student at NICHE), presented this week in Ghana his cost-effectiveness analysis on breast cancer control in a workshop, with the Minister of Health, and got media coverage. Research with impact, so to say. Read More »

NICHE present at First Health Systems Symposium in Montreux

01 DECEMBER 2010 | Nine NICHE staff members presented their research at the First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, organized by the World Health Organization, from 16-19 November 2010 in Montreux, Switzerland. During this conference, researchers, policy-makers, funders, and other stakeholders representing ... Read More »

Fruitfull NICHE Retreat

12 OCTOBER 2010 |  Since its start in 2007, NICHE has grown substantially in terms of projects, staffs and education activities. To reflect on this and to develop strategy for the coming years, NICHE organized a one-day retreat. A broad number of NICHE staff attented this meeting and discussed the strengths, we... Read More »

Paper on cost and outcomes of voluntary counseling and testing in Indonesia to appear in Tropical Medicine and International Health (TMIH)

04 OCTOBER 2010 | Adiatma Y.M Siregar and Rob Baltussen published a paper on costs and outcomes of VCT delivery models in the context of scaling up services in Indonesia. This paper is part of Adiatma's PhD project on Economic analysis of HIV/AIDS control among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Bandung, Indonesia. AB... Read More »

Paper on identifying the poor in Ghana's National Health Insurance to appear in Tropical Medicine and International Health (TMIH)

31 AUGUST 2010 | Genevieve Aryeetey, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Ernst Spaan and Rob Baltussen published an article in Tropical Medicine and International Health on identification strategies of poor households in Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme. This research is part of NICHE's project 'Reaching the poor in Ghana... Read More »

Jan Hontelez wins Radboud University Thesis Award 2008-2009

30 AUGUST 2010 |  Jan Hontelez, PhD researcher at NICHE won the Radboud University Award for his excellent work during his master epidemiology internship on 'Parental attitude towards childhood HBV vaccination for second generation migrants in the Netherlands'. He managed to be first author on two publications ... Read More »