Ms. Noor Tromp

PhD researcher

Noor Tromp studied Health Technology Assessment (HTA) at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center and combined this master with a minor in International Health and Fundamental of Business and Economics (FBE) at Utrecht University. During her study she gave policy advice to Oxfam Novib and Cordaid on whether microfinance and health insurance could be a good match. In Indonesia she evaluated the cost-effectiveness of  voluntary counselling and testing (a HIV/AIDS intervention) and as a student assistant she was involved in teaching and worked on a review on health insurance in low income countries. 
All these experiences contributed to her special interest for policymaking in international health. In December 2009 she won a RU fellowship for her PhD project on 'Multi-criteria priority setting in HIV/AIDS control in Indonesia. In this project, started in September 2010, she works together with Mr. Adiatma Siregar at the IMPACT project at Padjadjaran University located in Bandung, Indonesia.
