Mr Rozar Prawiranegara

PhD researcher

Rozar Prawiranegara studied psychology at Padjadjaran University Bandung in Indonesia. He is a researcher at the Center for TB-HIV studies Faculty of Medicine at the same university and specializes in health system strengthening and multi-criteria decision analysis. He worked at the 5 years (2007-2012) EU funded IMPACT (Intergrated Management for Prevention and Control & Treatment) and his work experience covers various aspects of HIV/AIDS control in Indonesia, including improving community access to HIV/AIDS care, institutional capacity assessment, and policy development. Together with Ms. Noor Tromp and Mr. Adiatma Siregar, he is currently working as a PhD student on the PRISMA (Priority Setting using Multiple Criteria) project that aims to implement multi-criteria decision analysis at districts of West Java province in Indonesia in order to support strategic planning of HIV/AIDS testing and treatment.