Mr. Maarten Jansen

PhD researcher

Maarten Jansen holds a Bachelor Honours Degree in Biomedical Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and a master in the same field from the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen. During his master he focused on Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and consultancy. In Indonesia, Maarten advised regional policy makers on how access by the poor and near-poor to Indonesia's National Health Insurance scheme could be improved. For Soa Aids Nederland he gave advice on how to communicate STDs/HIV prevention messages aimed at young men who have sex with men most optimally, to increase their impact and prevent counterproductive interpretations. At the Radboud University Medical Center he investigated the ethical dilemmas around PrEP, a HIV/AIDS medicine to prevent HIV infections among men who have sex with men in the Netherlands. In 2015 Maarten started working for NICHE at the Department for Health Evidence as a PhD candidate with the research project: ‘Priority setting in health care, merging ethics and economics’