NICHE is a research group at Radboudumc. We seek to strengthen international health systems through policy-relevant and empirically-based research and education.

NICHE was established in 2007, and hosts some ten researchers from both the Netherlands and low-income countries. We conduct scientific research and collaborate with implementing agencies to foster the transfer of knowledge into health. In our analysis, we preferably adopt a health-systems wide .... 

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30% of the population in Ghana is enrolled in health insurance

Enrolment rates in Ghana s national health insurance are topic of debate. NICHE held a survey among more than 3,000 households to find that rates were higher among households in the richest quintile (41%) than in the poorest quintiles (27%).


  • Noor Tromp successfully defended her PhD

    17 Nov. 2015

    Tuesday the 3rd of November Dr. Noor Tromp successfully defended her PhD on "Priority setting in HIV/AIDS control: the use of multi cri... | CONTINUE READING »

  • The thesis of Sten Zelle recently featured in the One World magazine

    12 Oct. 2015

    The One World magaize recently featured the results of Sten Zelle's thesis in an article. Read more about that here ... | CONTINUE READING »

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